該產品 適用於醫藥(yào)、化工、環保、農牧等(děng)行業作微生物培養及孵化的專用設備。
The product is the speclal equipment suitable for microbe cultivation and breeding in the industries of medicine. Chemical engineering. Envlron-mental protecton. Agrlculture and husbandry. etc
*雙製式冷,熱智(zhì)能(néng)溫控 、帶輕觸式開(kāi)關。控溫器是采用先進的微電腦智能溫度控(kòng)製(zhì),具有PID自整
動報警並斷電保護(hù)。確(què)保實(shí)驗安全運行,不發生意外。並帶有0-9999分鍾時間 設定功能。控溫更精
Construction features:
*Cold and heat dualsystem intellectual temperature controlling touchable switchThe temperature control has 2 models.e.g.digital display and cursor model. which can be freely selected Digital display intellectuai temperature controller has functio-ns of PID automatic setting and dual LED digital display. multiple controlling param-eter setting and control functions for alarmjng and automatically switching off to make the temperature control more accurate.
* Its shell is made up with excellent steel plates. with clean and beautiful out-look after being plastics sprayed treatment. Interal. walls are made up with mirror stainless steel plates. whosedistances can be freely adjusted. And its windtunnelc irculation system is designed reasonabie to ensure evenly distributed wind force.The outside door adopts special tye of glass frame. making the adicles in the incubator fully visible。 And it also has door lock assemblage.
主要技術指標: Primary technical indexes:
* 公稱容積 : Nominal capacity : 160 L
* 控 溫 範 圍: Temperature contral scope: 5 ℃-50 ℃
* 溫 度 波 動: Temperature flctuation: ±1 ℃
* 溫度均勻度(dù): Temperature contral : ± 1℃
* 額定功率(KW):Rated power (KW) : 0.4
* 電 壓 / 電 源: Voltage / powe : 220V±10% / 50HZ+2%
* 工作室尺寸(cm):Size of work room ( cm ) : 42×47.5×88
* 外形尺寸(cm):Outine Size ( cm ) : 51×58.5×135
*包(bāo)裝尺寸(cm): Package Size ( cm ) : 65×72×151
*淨重/毛重(Kg): Net /gross weight ( kg ) : 60 / 100
Optional:1,liquid crystal display - ¥ 200 元
2,RS485 interface and communication software - ¥ 600 元
3, embedded printer (mini) - ¥ 1500 元